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Zunder toothpicks are now available in seven different flavours and two different types of packaging. You can order 80 toothpicks in a box or bag with the flavours Apple, Tropic, Berry, Lime, Cinnamon, Menthol or Mint.
You may be wondering who needs flavoured toothpicks. Well, we can tell you that. For one thing, toothpicks increase your coolness factor. A small piece of wood casually placed in the corner of your mouth simply makes a big difference in terms of style. On the other hand, the toothpicks ensure a long-lasting good taste and instant fresh breath.
The toothpicks can also help you to break bad habits such as biting your nails or eating sweets. Many of our customers report successes!
Our eight flavors include Melon, Apple, Tropic, Berry, Lime, Cinnamon, Menthol and Mint. There’s something for every taste!
You can choose between two different types of packaging for Zunder toothpicks: Box or Bag.
The contents of both types of packaging are the same. Each box or bag contains 80 toothpicks.
Zunder not only has a lot to offer in terms of style, we also do our utmost to protect the environment! Zunder is a local company with Swiss roots. Since the beginning, the toothpicks have been produced in a social workshop in Switzerland.
As nature is close to our hearts, we rely on a renewable raw material and only use certified birch wood from Europe for production. We have also been working with the Worldlandtrust organization for years and save 1m2 of rainforest from deforestation with every pack of Zunder sold.
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